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CAREinMIND wellbeing blog

Young woman experiencing culture shock

Helping someone who is experiencing culture shock

Huge life changes can be very stressful. There are few changes as big as moving to a new country. Here’s some advice on how to help someone who is experiencing culture shock.

Lonely elderly woman

Is loneliness a disease?

An estimated 5.6 million Australians are affected by loneliness. Most of us have felt lonely at some point in our lives, but historically, the true impact of loneliness on mental health and wellbeing has not been fully understood. Thankfully, that mindset is changing.

Young woman thinking about making changes in her life

How do you stop a bad habit?

Are you struggling with motivation for that New Year’s resolution? Did you fall back into a bad habit that you were determined to quit? Have you tried several times to change something in your life? There’s a reason why change is much harder than it seems.

Young woman despairing due to effects of chroming

Why is chroming harmful?

Chroming is when you get high by breathing in or inhaling a chemical like petrol, glue, paint or solvent. Although people of all ages engage in chroming, it happens most often among young people and teenagers.

Married couple arguing at home

Common marriage counselling myths

The idea of marriage counselling may seem scary or shameful to some people. In truth, seeing a relationship counsellor can do a lot of good for you and your partner or spouse.

Retired couple holding hands

Meeting the challenges of retirement

Most people look forward to their retirement. But did you know that depression and anxiety are quite widespread among retirees? Here are some tips on how to prepare for a happy retirement.

Group of people outside doing yoga looking happy and healthy

Most New Year’s resolutions fail. Here’s how to make yours succeed.

Many people begin the New Year with a well-intentioned resolution. For many reasons, most will fail. Here’s how you can give your New Year’s resolution the best chance of success.

Man looking sad and despondent

Talking about suicide and separating fact from fiction

Suicide is not usually discussed socially or at the family dinner table. Understandably, it’s an unpleasant topic. However, there may come a time when someone you know is feeling suicidal, or a suicide has affected someone in your life.

Woman sitting and looking concerned with friend who has supportive hand on her shoulder

The festive season and dealing with financial pressure

The holidays are meant to be a time of rest and relaxation. However, money can be a common worry for many people in this time. Check out these tips and advice for dealing with finance stress during the festive season.

Woman on her own waiting nervously for family at a restaurant

Social anxiety and the festive season

Going to an event where you don’t know anyone? Many people will feel a bit nervous in this situation. While the worry or stress usually passes quickly, people with social anxiety disorder might feel so anxious and stressed that it can affect everyday life.
